Saturday, January 29, 2005
* bReaKinG tHe laNguAge baRRieR *


what do you do if someone texts you with a foreign phrase? diba magtataka'd be curious what that means...lalo na if he can't even speak that language.

now, what happens if you find out that means "i love you"? ano 'toh?! joke time?


oh well...

just wanna tell everyone my very wonderful day...white mice in the next room...aircon the whole day...ahh! don't get me do you? i'm in a state of confusciosity...

ima-malate ko na lang uli... the way, i found out that kitch means nadal...shitie nadal...ehehe!

no offense meant dear...that's what my sis told me...

the power of language nga naman...translate to the max...


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