Monday, January 24, 2005
mY LonG saTuRdaY...

i just wanna share the long saturday i had...

totally an was one of the longest saturdays of my life...

i woke up early to meet my psych 118 groupmates at mcdo philcoa...then, we went to abscbn's audience entrance to audition for the search for star in a million...

not that we were divas in the making, mind you...

we were doing this for our participant observation thing...

oh well...the line was relatively short when we came, but after our arrival, people started coming until the line reached the corner of was that long.

we waited until told us that only those who will audition can enter...

i never had the guts to audition so i opted to be an observer outside abscbn...

sheesh! it was warmer outside...but the people (parents, relatives and friends of those who auditioned) outside were nice and accomodating to our questions which went like "Where did you come from? Can't we really enter the premises of studio 12?"

only one of my groupmates entered and continued to audition but despite his good voice, he wasn't accepted...he lacked something extraordinary daw...

so predictable right?

so there...i had my bio exam that afternoon...

it went well...thanks to my groupmates who were good well-wishers and spiritual people...unfortunately, some of my close friends who took the exam didn't find it easy...oh well, have to keep the excitement to myself...

then, i went to malate dinner at wendy's care of krystenelli's coupons...hehe!

zagu too...(this wasn't free!)

bocobo streetmapping...i hate those who do the whistling thing...duh?! eww!

then, we went to the boardwalk area to commute back to i know how to commute from malate to katips...haha!;)

went to tropical pa pala for a quick snack...

that was my long saturday...

P.S. heehee! sorry for the lame blog...this serves a dual purpose for me...i'll be using this as reference for my psych 118 journal eh...;)


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