Sunday, January 30, 2005
tHe tHree moSt poWerFuL woRds foR mE...

remember that state of confusciosity i was in...well, i've finally settled matters once and for all...

i texted my guy friend about his messages. he thought i was angry. like duH? no...i can't be angry... i was just confused. this is the first time a guy friend said i love you to me. goodness! buti na lang, i clarified things between us. (or so i think) basta...he said it was all for the sake of friendship and nothing more. pero...ok fine! such crazy really is good for us to settle things para naman hindi masira yung friendship...nakakalito lang talaga minsan.

the powerful phrase of i love you...

well then...Mina" rakastan sinua / Lakh tirikh!

ps. see...i really am confused...i can't even organize my thoughts...shit!


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