Saturday, February 26, 2005
busy...yeah right! what's new???

talk about being too hectic...

3 exams next week...
my sister's debut preparations...
and major decision-making...

the thought of all these makes me feel terrible...

just took a time off these worries when i watched a play a while ago...well, at least 'twas food nga pero i don't drink coffee naman eh...unless it was from starbucks. ;)

that's all for now folks...have to finish a paper, review for at least a subject, and finish my sister's debut invitations (it's not yet's supposed to be out next week pa naman).

can i just (krystel mode going on) just excited for my sister's debut...there's going to be a lot of singing...and a band's playing...haay...i'm starting to like music na talaga...and i have sessionroad to thank for that...=P


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