Friday, February 11, 2005
mY biG, yeLLow baLLoon


lapit na pala ng Valentine's Day...haay! pre-valentine's jitters...

i didn't even feel it coming...i just felt the stress from my exams...god! have to work harder...there goes my dreams (?) of going to UP PGH...

i just failed my physics a POINT! F****** POINT!

bio's my great big hope...shit! bio?!


i was looking at the colorful balloons at PHAN last tuesday, wondering when i'd receive one for myself...pugadeers kept on approaching me to purchase one balloon to give to someone. don't you think i should be the one receiving the balloon?

anyway, i did take home a balloon last tuesday but that was from psychsoc's...imagine me, commuting via public transpo, carrying one gigantic yellow balloon...fine! it is after all the eve of the chinese new year and i'm in a very festive mood with a yellow balloon to match.

by the way, just for fun, i tried playing with a girl's hair at the fx that night...i was thinking that her hair would stand out if i place the balloon near her hair...but that didn't happen...sayang!


speaking of chinese new year...i slept through the celebration...and to think of it, i was so ready to use the rest of the fireworks here at home...BUT I JUST SLEPT THROUGH IT ALL!!! damn! blame it on wasting about an hour looking for tikoy at the grocery.

at least i ate my fave shrimps that night...


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