Thursday, March 31, 2005
i'm in a bad mood...don't bother checking my temperature!


naiinis lang talaga ako...i'm so busy...i woke up, ate, and then faced the think of it, the last thing i did is face my computer too a while ago before i have slept at around 2am. watda?!?!

i just hate it...i still haven't posted one of my blog's still a draft...i still have to do some major editing on it...therefore, i can't post it...i have more pictures to post pa...but i guess i have to postpone all that for next week...after all this hustle and bustle caused by the last week of classes are over...

i just couldn't explain it...i really try hard to finish everything on time...really...even if it means that i'll be sleeping for like 1 hour max...i try to do things immediately not only for academic purpose but to use the extra free time for leisure and for myself...but then again, might as well work hard on something and tire my ass sitting in our wiggling computer chair...coz after doing all the work i am supposed to do, more work come in...seeing that i'm done, they think that i'm doing nothing they ask me to do more things...NOW WHERE WAS THAT EXTRA TIME FOR MYSELF THEN, HUH? harumph! :(

i was watching a movie on DVD awhile was supposed to be comedy...i was laughing, yeah...but then again, i have to pause it a lot of times since i have to do this and that...hey?!?! when can i have fun naman? haay...don't try to act cheerio on me coz i ain't happy right now...



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