Sunday, April 03, 2005
tHe luV buG stRikes biG tiMe!

It really exhausting to talk about love especially if you know less about it...either from lack of experience or...or...trauma? Well, the latter's not for me though.

It seems like everyone's been bitten by the love bug.

Sabi nga ng kanta ng MYMP, "Love moves in mysterious ways..." In the first place, why should love be mysterious anyway?! Like duH?!

Before I rant all about love, just wanna share how busy I've been for the past few days...enough to merit a nomination for the most ngarag award this week...

Had finished tons of exams and paperwork...don't wanna even think about it.

Despite all the work, I took the time off last Good Friday and Black Saturday. Off we went to Lucban with my fam. Nandito kasi ang Saliendra family. Had lots of fun...despite the rain. I presume the heat was concentrated here in Manila coz it was very cold there. We didn't bring any jacket thinking na mainit (eh sa mainit talaga ngayon, right?!). Me and sis also brought our schoolwork with us...eww! At least Mart helped her in her comics project while I was nearly sleeping reading my big bio book. Haay! Kung pwede lang magpatulong mag-memorize...then I'd just have to use a flash disc and get the needed files from that person's brain and download the memory in my own brain. High tech! Sana ma-imbento na siya if ever. ;)

We climbed this grotto...Via Dolorosa if I'm not mistaken. 286 steps ata siya pababa...ewan ko lang if same pataas...baka naman. Nakakapagod pero ang sa masaya yung mga kasama ko. The view was nice too. Well, it was still drizzling, but everything went well. Mama and Dra went to the healing mass session. Then we ate pansit reminds me of how dogs eat, but still it was fun. It was yummy!

Had a long YM conversation with Danci...I think that was last Tuesday. Gawd! It is only now that I realize how "makulit" he can be when the topic's on love. And it was me doing most of the sharing...he was acting like "Danci the Mango". He was being poetic at one point. Siya na rin ang nagsabi...people in love become poetic. Anyway, the conversation seemed to be unidirectional for me. When I ask him on love, he just kept on saying "no comment". I usually am the "no comment" person, not him. If Paris Hilton can put a trademark on the phrase "That's Hot!", maybe I can put a trademark on "no comment" too, right?

For 18 years, I never had a boyfriend just because of some car which I still don’t have til now (while my dad has his new baby already). Despite of that, I still believe that I have chosen wisely to put my lovelife in priority. But, there are times in life when love life is such a big deal. I feel as if I'm in a pit where love is such a big issue when it should be not. I’d be in denial if I tell you that I don’t care about love. I do care. And I’m this state of confusion which I’d rather not dwell on. Sabi nga ni Joy, might as well flush it in the toilet bowl...I have my NMAT exams to deal with for now.

For whatever reason, I changed the song on my blog already...just to emphasize how crazy I am. ;) Oddly though, I'm not the only one bitten by the love bug lately. I wonder what's up there with astronomy. "Crazy For You" has underwent quite a number of revivals already...see?! A lot people could probably relate...just don't take the song too literally.

As if to rub everything in, my horoscope (be it through text or email) are all about love too. Let me share:

After the drama of the past week or so, it's time to get back to work. And if anyone is ready, it's you. Roll up your sleeves and dig in. It's time to make up for lost time.

26-03-05 - Now's the best time to be single, really. Potential partnerships are full of challenges now, so just enjoy the freedom that's all yours!

30-03-05 - Just because you're torn about something doesn't mean everyone has to see your ragged edge. Put the love issue on the shelf and pull urself together!

O diba? Ang labo...I'll post pictures in my next post na lang...I just love my sister's digicam. It sure knows how to keep me busy.

I'm starting to enter vacation mode already. Hopefully, I'd be able to convince Papa on a Bora or Puerto Galera trip this May (since I'd be taking summer classes). I really wanna go on a vacation. Just wanna keep myself busy.


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