Sunday, June 12, 2005
4am habit

i just can bring myself to steer away from the PC...

thus, am back with a vengeance...

with nothing much to say, but lots in mind to think about...

am relieved in knowing i miscalculated my grades...i may be quite stupid in math but nothing else...

i am bothered with my present plea of bankrupcy...and i really miss fact, it's a sunday and i'm stuck here at home...

i slept at 4 am awhile ago...with marian signing off before me...and discovering that master showman exists til 4 am and even beyond...kuya germs doesn't really know the word "sleep"...

and finally, i've changed my tagboard...although i still got the colors all mixed up...who cares but me anyway...

am going back to my YM...


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