Wednesday, June 01, 2005
i see your true colors...

i finished reading "Zoya" already and i'm still hooked on it...i'm having problems deciphering what's fiction and what's real...i hope that makes the story confused and all...i'm also currently researching on Carl Faberge's egg collection and i'm thinking of getting one myself (but when?)...

went to UP kanina for a RA orientation but then again, the people who were supposed to orient us didn't solidify in front of us...fine...liquified form sila of some sort...therefore, the group settled on making leis for the freshies for the upcoming freshie orientation...and i'm still doing it at's quite fun especially the fluffing and teasing part...stitching? uhm...that's a different matter...

i'm supposed to post something else here but i forgot it...short term memory loss once again...

gotta go...enrollment pa bukas...have to go to school early for RA stuff...nyty nyt! =P

happy birthday bob marty! ;)

"the past is only worth what it makes of us..." ~ Zoya


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