Tuesday, July 19, 2005
It's not everyday that you get to find time alone for yourself nowadays. Time is a luxury worthy of bookkeeping. Heck! I haven't even noticed it slip from my long groping fingers. Out of control. Without boundaries. This makes me love water even more.Gone are the moments of meditation and reflection. I even miss daydreaming. How pathetic can this life be? Who would have thought that a few hours of sleep and a few hours more for study could be challenging?
If there's any consolation to one long day of spending time, it's eating and talking with friends, who, like me, are also probably trying to make sense out of life. I just hope there's much sense that we could squeeze out of it. ;)
Cliche holds some truth no matter how rusty it sounds. Time flies before you notice it. Like the comet, all that's left is a tail of memories that's forever there. There are memories you'd love to repress and hate. Some are better locked and treasured in your own treasure chest. No wonder why it's so hard to forget things.
I'd love to follow that comet's trail and look onwards to the future where all my dreams and aspirations are. I'm nearly there, I guess not. For the past just keeps trailing behind. For the past transcends the present and future. It's like life's own ancestor. Life is the evolution.
If only time is an adviser and a listener. I pity him then for my incessant rants.
Nothing shall I regret. I guess this is destiny then which I took. A cup of options, a dash of choices. Wasted nothing I should say.
One last request though. I need more time. I better learn to control you then. For the past keeps knocking, the present needs working out, and the future better stay put, on hold.
Damn! I just need time to think, mind you.