Monday, August 08, 2005
jumBo sPeaks and sQueaks: whaTever?!

i don't have much to share except for the fact that i've been wasting time in front of my PC (as usual) instead of butt hurts just sitting in front of the PC...oh...just pull me away, will you?

it's fifteen minutes before midnight...only have one class tomorrow...

stayed til 7pm in school...ate fishballs to satiate myself apart from the hot choco i had that noon from my sis who had nothing else to do but to stay at starbucks...what a cool way to kill time...

now wonder why i stayed that late in school? it's because i had to bring home my's a dead, skinned cat...and jumbo is the ironic name for a thin cat...hmm...i'd probably post his picture here some time..."eww" for you, but i love him...rather than nancy (our dead, skinned shark) who smell so awful apart from being horribly massacred with our scalpels...poor nancy...poor dead jumbo and nancy...they served us well...

i'd like to thank danci, tina, and david for staying at phan lobby with me...i'd rather have live people with me other than my dead cat...

which reminds me...i have to go...the cat's waiting...have to study for my bio lab exam this wednesday...

ta-ta! :)

it's 11:50 pm by the way...and i'm sleepy...nah! the cat's waiting...

but wait...

waah! have to go...


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