Monday, September 12, 2005
~o bubbLy bubbLe o~

haay...this is the second time that i'll be writing about some BIG transport strike...same old story...classes suspended at around 1pm...watdachuvanes?!?! just what you need to be stuck at if you really need that. it's one of those moments when you can't tell whether having classes or not is a blessing or what...should i be happy? darn! all that mattered awhile ago was how i could manage to go home. again, it's one of those moments when a car will certainly be BIG BIG blessing...but then again, God never fails to shower us with blessings...managed to ride the last Katips jeep home...and i was with my bes, sis, and sis' friends...lucky beautiful ladies...hehe!:)

what's with boxing ba? we went to shop yesterday when we suddenly noticed this group of people huddled over some TV show...and guess what? it was pacquiao's match with velasquez...

luckily, sta. lucia's foodcourt has this big TV there...we had no choice but to eat there as well...with my dad who's totally glued to the big screen...

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see! a big fly can just go inside his mouth HIM at least...;) even my sister's getting crazy...


talk about men and boxing...they can even afford paying 200 pesos for a cinema ticket at SM Megamall...Sy's seeing pesoses wonder he gets richer...

well, all hell broke loose at the foodcourt when everyone clapped and cheered...obviously, pacquiao won...and all i cared about was the batchoy regular and mais con yelo i was eating (don't ask how my teeth felt)...

i bet the guy at goto king's happy...he won a bet with his friend...and finally, he can serve better rather watch TV all noon...

oh well...some new crush i had was featured at a show yesterday...that will compensate for everything...

the angels are flying...

am just happy...i was even inspired to do some oil painting's nearly done...

hope you enjoyed your day too...:)

*sorry! it's the unburstable bubble again...*


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