Sunday, February 19, 2006

I really want to post something (as I haven't posted anything since Valentine's Day)...but then again, I'm not in the mood to write (emotionally down and drained). I can't even start with my 7th and 8th journal for Psych 171 class (which I had decided to pass this Tuesday instead of Friday because my interview for PGH is on Friday).

Screw it!

When I wasn't feeling so down, I used up the internet load naman.

I'm soooo tired from lots of schoolwork...mostly extracurriculars pa.

Isn't it funny that a Pinoy Big Brother Teen Edition is coming up? Amusing...

Another funny fact...Encantadia is back. It's becoming dragging already. Don't they have new shows to produce? I've seen a preview of this never-ending fantasy and guess what? There are lots of scenes with snow in it. Great preview though. I felt like it was a movie and not a TV show. But please!

Most of the people whose blogs I read are going to Australia. I wonder why there of all places.

I'm craving for a Havaianas Filipinas. I'm broke!


I'll write more next time. I'm not giving enough justice to what I write.


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