Tuesday, March 14, 2006
the case of nerves

Waah! It's going to be two busy weeks for me then. I rarely experience two exams on the same day. I don't know if it's a good thing that Physics 10 is lighter compared to Psych 135 or what. One fact though: they're still subjects.

The second semester's coming to an abrupt halt. I wasn't fully aware it was coming. I'm finally graduating in a month's time. Now, I'm more concerned about my grades more than ever. Who wouldn't want to be on the honor list right?

I studied really well for a Psych 135 exam awhile ago...sleeping at around 3am thus satisfactorily facing the day with hopes of good grades. I studied well and yet, as luck would have it, the exam was postponed. Unfortunately, the reporting wasn't and damned it be for I wasn't prepared. I sucked. As if I don't suck at being in front of people. I even partly screwed my interview in PGH, remember? Ok...let's lighten this a bit. I sometimes do well. However, now's not the time for that. My nerves are all to blame. Shux! I rarely drink coffee ha. Should I blame tea then?

Joyie asked me awhile ago if I wanted to apply for the regionalization thing in PGH which would improve the chances of me passing. However, I just wasn't up for that. Which place then would I have to represent huh? Talk about surprise decisions.

I called UERM yesterday and apparently, the letter they sent me was to let me know that I should find a schedule for an interview for the scholarship thing. Nyark! Another interview. I know I won't screw this one though. There are some things...some things...that really makes me jittery. I need not explain that and everything else.

I was looking at other people's sites before going into mine today. I was thinking of getting myself some blog traffic but then again, I changed my mind. My thoughts are only for people who matter...and for some who accidentally find and stumble their way into my blog. Happy reading then! :)


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