Sunday, March 05, 2006


I just watched F's final episode awhile ago. I love that show. Really! We have one long history.

I watched F before I even started reading fashion mags. I swear that it's one of the best lifestyle shows I've watched. It taught me a lot from fashion to food. Almost everything! That include my love for havs. :)

I watched it for like 7 years. I practically grew up with it.

Before, I used to sleep late every Saturday just to watch it. I've seen the green couch, watched Cher leave, and saw Amanda came in.

I got them as a friend on Friendster. Hehe! :D

I'll certainly miss the show. I wonder why they had to end the show. It's their 7th anniversary and they're bagging awards already. Oh well...nothing lasts forever.

I hope the new show's good...or else.


Even Charmed is on its last season.

Great year. *Er...*


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