Friday, March 03, 2006
going vegetarian

Again, I was able to watch this film showing animal cruelty (and convincing us to go vegetarian) because one group in psych 180 showed it for their persuasion output. I honestly don't like watching films about that. I can't even bear the thought of killing ants...moreso bigger animals like chicken, cattle, and pigs. The film I watched awhile ago was more compelling than the previous ones I've watched through the internet. I even took home a flyer on "50 Reasons Why You Should Be a Vegetarian". I haven't finished reading it.

I really want to go vegetarian, but I just can't. It doesn't help when you're surrounded by people who eat meat. I can only go as far as avoiding beef. Actually, the other people here at home are into that already so they're kinda helping me. When I had Joyie as a groupmate before, I was somewhat influenced to try out her diet as well. See? The people around you helps. Right now, I can eat vegetables already...even fresh salads (as long as it's Caesar's). Before, cucumber is only good for treating eye bags. Now, they go to my stomach. ;p


I'm torn between watching LiveAids and Mr. & Ms. Psych tomorrow. With the way things have been going, I'm opting for the LiveAids. It was the original one on my itinerary. The Mr. & Ms. Psych event was moved to tomorrow because there was no class last Friday. Besides, the preparations have been quite sudden so I'm not sure how it will turn out. They should have just moved it to next Friday. Better preparations plus greater chances that there'll be no more problems with the PP 1017. I bet both shows tomorrow will be laden with political issues.


Anyway, I've fixed the colors already.

Special thanks to Danci for giving/lending me a free emergency internet account. I used it last night because my connection was malfunctioning. Now I know the frustrations of disconnecting every 20 minutes. ;p

I've been flattening my butt by sitting in front of the PC all day (quite literally). I have to rest my dear fragile back.

Poof! *as Mart would say*


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