Friday, April 14, 2006
new business

My sis and I are busy making somebody else's wedding invitations.

Good business...if we're only into it.

I remember Krystel telling me that we can make some business out of making invitations. That was after she saw Cathe's debut invitations last March 2005.

Haha! Great idea she got there.

Actually, come to think of it...we can even do planning and coordinating. Raise it up a notch higher. Cathe (including her bestfriend) can do the planning and the creativity aspect. They're good with that and PR as well. I can do the technicalities...infuse a li'l creativity...and do the accounting stuff, which I'm good at. ;)

However, according to Psychology, it's not really good rewarding something we like, like doing invites, with money. You may associate internal rewards with external ones. Blah, blah, blah...

I'm not really good with my Psychology. Honestly, my professors are very generous with the grade. My grade goes for working hard.


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