Sunday, June 18, 2006
my "oh so fun!" med life

I'm having some trouble understanding my biochem book. I've been staring at it for several hours today and despite the 4-5 pages per chapter (quite short actually), I just can't seem to make something with the letters. They're all letters to me.

Which explains why I'm here blogging.

It's supposed to be Father's Day today but Papa just came home talk about a celebration.

I just finished watching Us Girls and I really like the wedding cakes featured. I'd like to have one myself...just for boasting purposes. Hehe! =P

Cathe was wondering kanina how my wedding proposal would be like and she suggested something like this: My bf and I would be in the middle of dissecting cadavers. (Yeah! A med student less.) And he'll tell me to work on the heart...where, as Cathe suggested, he'd put the wedding ring. (As to how...I never know.) So there goes the gory wedding proposal. Sheesh!

Tapos, Cathe commented something that her friend, Fao, carries big Psych books which were like "hollowblocks". I, on the other hand, am carrying big med books which my sis fondly calls "bahay".

Cathe loves making fun of my med life.

I'm enjoying the fact that I'll be having lots of ISPs this week. More free time! :D


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