Saturday, August 26, 2006

Yeah! I know...I'm very busy.

There'll always be the academic aspect. Yes. I'm stressed. Sometimes, I just feel that the time flies too fast. In the next couple of weeks, it'll be exams again.

I've finally tried to do a trans for the class. I do remember telling my interviewers in UPCM about my not wanting to let others copy some of my notes especially for unacceptable reasons (like skipping class for something not necessary). The interviewers reacted and I got the impression that it's quite normal to borrow notes from someone. Now, I see the need for sharing notes. In med school that is. And I tell you, making trans isn't easy at all.

I'm looking forward to Villa Escudero (hopefully) in two weeks time as well. Time to unwind! :)

Just yesterday, we had our ICS again. That's why I wasn't able to go to Ice's sister's party with Cathe. Waah! I wasn't able to taste McDo's milkshake. Waah! Ice has a new phone...the SE cybershot...and she got it for less than 10thou. Bring me to Singapore...anyone! Even if you only pay for the fare. =p *That was half meant as a joke okay. I'm not that crazy for a phone yet.*

Another thing that's been keeping me busy is a new addiction in downloading one hour free trial games from the Internet. Sometimes though, I can't help liking the game only to see the "trial expired" screen pop up. Much like love. I just had to let go. =p Fine...that was kinda way off. Now, to add to the list, I'm into mobile games as well. Haha! *I'm blaming Danci for this one.*

After two weeks of observation and being sick, the vet finally decided to confine my dog yesterday. She has heartworm. I kept on insisting to my mom to bring the dog for lab test, but she just wouldn't listen. Now what? Buttercup may be in a worse state already. Please pray for her...and for my Dad who's going to pay for the bills. ;)

I watched You Can Dance last Sunday. Didn't I tell you I am so in love with ballroom dancing...even if most people consider it an oldies activity. I'm a frustrated dancer though. But ask me to do dance ballroom wtih you (and if you're an expert at it), I'd have second thoughts on not accepting the offer. Haha! :D

We had our town fiesta last Sunday as well. It wasn't that great because my dad's not home and we were too busy to attend the area's lunch and dinner. There was ballroom dancing sana. =p My dad's been really busy with all his campaigning. Yep! He's running again. And I thought all this stuff will end last year when he lost. Know the reason why he's at it again? It's because most of orgmates don't want the woman (who's running as well) to win. Talk about chauvinism. I wonder why my dad made patol pa. *Ang coñotic...minsan lang naman eh.* I don't really like it (and am close to hating actually) when he's too busy with his org and when he's always out of town (training people and campaigning). We don't even go out during weekends. Right now, he's somewhere in Bicol land naman. The perks of his "recreational activities" however is being able to join him. That's why, if all ends well, we'd be joining him in Villa Escudero really soon. :)

So there...I have to study and watch TV again. I don't know what else to tell you. It's just been one regular hectic day after another, but I'm kinda getting the hang of med life and I'm actually enjoying it. Til next time. :D


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