Friday, November 03, 2006
share, hears, hares, shear, making that up. =p

One big realization this sembreak:

I almost forgot how to pray the rosary.
Like usual Octobers, Our Lady of Fatima (the image ha) visited our home last week. Mama asked me to lead the rosary coz I usually do that BEFORE. I felt like I was playing some kind of game...flipping pages, reading familiar-and-now-not-familiar prayers, and debating with Mama and sis about the "mystery" for that day (in between praying). Shux! And to think of it, I used to recite the rosary by heart. I used to memorize everything up to the long Litany and now...errr.
It's all coming back to me now.
I'm definitely getting old.

Sis and I prayed the rosary again last night and I think I'm remembering things again. Now, I think it's my sister who needs help. Hehe! :) She's a member of the Legion of Mary pa naman. Lagot! =p


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