Saturday, June 02, 2007
i want.

When I read that Nokia had its N95 out with 5 megapixels to boot, I said, in no way should my fave Sony Ericsson be without a counterpart. So what I did was research and voila! A yet to be released Sony Ericsson secret. And you know...when two quiet similar SE and Nokia phones are compared, SE fares better...right Danci? Hehe. :) Go check out it's features in the Internet. It's a K850i by the way.

Now, I have to pray it comes out this year sometime during my birthday or Christmas so I can convince my dad to buy me this one. ;)

I want. I want.

Now I believe it was fate why I wasn't able to buy the's because of this.

Now let me sleep...and continue dreaming. =p


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