Wednesday, August 15, 2007
rain hurriedly taps on the passenger's window seat

I was supposed to go to school early today for a not so nice Pharma lab experiment.

6:45 am...Rex just passed by the Santolan station. I thought that was too early for an LRT ride. It was raining hard. I didn't want to get drenched in rain water.

7:30 am...I woke up, realized we passed by Anonas on the way to UP. Then the surroundings rang a bell on my head. I turned my head towards the backseat and saw my sis sleeping. Oops! We haven't reached UP yet. Darn. I was supposed to be riding the LRT at this time.

8:00 am...Traffic was crazy. Probably because of the rain.

5 minutes later...I was in the train on my way to school.

8:15 am...I was wading in some kinda floodwater from the jeepney to the school building. At least the jeepney driver thought of backing up his jeepney on the sidewalk so we wouldn't get totally soaked. But still, I was soaked. What's an umbrella for?

Of all days to get late talaga.

And the point of going to school was to attend Pharma lab and kill a couple of mice (per group). This is just one of those times when you just can't help hate science. Can we just make the whole thing "imaginary"?

Meet mouse #1. Aww...

And mouse #2. Reluctant for his charcoal meal.

I'm just glad I didn't have to do the dirty job of killing the mice. They were such an energetic bunch pa naman. At least we strangled them rather than chopped their heads off with a butcher's knife (as also suggested).

And meet animal handler turned killer turned psychotic ( better get tetanus shots). ;p

And well...classes got suspended in the middle of Pharma lab. Very good timing. o_0 At least I didn't encounter any flood or heavy rain on the way home.

Now...I'm off to study for my 2nd exams. Wish me luck.



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