Sunday, December 31, 2006
golly golly
Man...I'm beginning to hate our PC. It's slower than a turtle, system glitches everywhere, and email checking is beginning to be a drag. Tsk! Have been an insomniac for the past few days. Gawd! Can't even allow myself to sleep before 3am. Aswang na naman ako.
I've been boring myself with several DVD marathons. "Princess Hours", "It Started With a Kiss", and even Korean movies like "Il Mare". I better learn Korean now. =p
I've also busied myself with shopping. Still haven't finished my Christmas shopping. Haay! Stress talaga.
Yesterday...uhm...last Friday has to be the worst. Been to five different private transpo at that. By jeepney, FX, train, L3, tricycle, we conquered. That's really a feat for me. Eh sa tamad akong magcommute ever.
I've been going to different malls thanks to sis. She's been looking all over for a new pair of Havs. Been to Galle, Mega, Shang, Glorietta, and Gateway. She finally found Havs at Gateway...the nearest one to home pa. Nagwala si sis...dalawa agad binili. Ayan kasi. =p I didn't buy any though...didn't like the styles. Will be waiting for the new stock coming this...uhm...secret na muna. Haha! Ayaw maunahan. ;)
Well, we also did lots of eating. Naubos pera ni Mama sa food. Hehe. We even bought one whole box of Krispy Kreme Original Glazed doughnuts. Über yummy! :p I must have eaten five doughnuts yesterday and I'm still craving for it. Calories galore. Wala na...our family has finally succumbed to Krispy Kreme madness. In dire need of self-control.
I also still am not over kart racing. Kahit pa sumakit braso namin ni sis after...thanks to a very idle lifestyle and super matigas manibela. Can't wait for our next try. Hope by that time, we have the track all for ourselves. Better exceed 11 laps. :)
Better go now. Will be shopping for fruits tomorrow. Shopping other stuff again. This is becoming an expensive habit. ;p
Happy New Year everyone!
*Just in case Blogger's down :)*
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
The fave year ender survey.What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before?
Tried kart racing (today), been quite active in college, entered med school (such a drag =p) and studied cadavers, tried lots of new stuff, etc.
Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Did I make one this year? I don't really remember. For next year...I'll probably keep that to myself. :)
Did anyone close to you give birth?
None that I can think of. Ay...kapitbahay pala namin...but I'm not exactly "close" to her.
Did anyone close to you die?
Yes. Si Tita Elsa.
What countries did you visit?
What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
Perseverance. Not that I lack just needing more of it.
What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Lots. My graduation. Unforgettable outings and activities with family and friends.
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Graduating college cum laude. The interview in PGH (even if I wasn't accepted there). Entering med school and surviving my first sem.
What was your biggest failure?
Not being able to enter PGH. I'm just sorry I wasn't able to avail of the low tuition fee. But hey! I'm loving my school now and I guess fate made things better for me. :)
Did you suffer illness or injury?
Heck yes! Got very sick last October that I was even hospitalized.
What was the best thing you bought?
Hmm...lots of cheap belts from 168, my "perfect" brown Terranova jacket, some stuff from Body Shop, and my fave Wacoal bra. =p
Whose behavior merited celebration?
Me. :)
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
A relative. ;p
Where did most of your money go?
Earrings. You need not ask. ;p
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Oh...lots of things.
What song(s) will always remind you of 2006?
Boom Tarat Tarat. Haha! :D
Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? --> Definitely happier!
ii. thinner or fatter? --> Hmm...I'm not so sure. Got fat and thin...
iii. richer or poorer? --> As in present...poorer. =p
What do you wish you'd done more?
Engaged in sports often. Studied more for my exams.
What do you wish you'd done less of?
Less time wasted on TV and Internet. Perhaps, I could've slept earlier.
How many one-night stands?
What was your favorite TV program?
Lots of Filipino primetime shows. Grey's Anatomy (although I've watched it through DVD and Limewire).
Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Still hate the same person. Cool. =p
What was the best book you read?
Haven't read much this year. I can't really tell.
What was your greatest musical discovery?
I dunno...
What did you want and get?
Additional moments to treasure...more friends...more experiences. :)
What was your favorite film of this year?
I barely remember most of the movies I saw this year. I can only remember Happy Feet. Good movie, but I can't really tell if it's my fave this year.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Ate at a Jap resto with some classmates and had a party here at home. Am 21.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I prefer keeping that to myself.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?
Didn't do much shopping. Same old look.
What kept you sane?
Blogging, talking and having fun with friends and fam, watching TV.
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Anne Curtis. I adore the way she dresses and carries herself. And I hated her before. Haha. =p
What political issue stirred you the most?
I hate politics so I care less about it.
Who did you miss?
I'm missing some old college friends now.
Who was the best new person you met?
Lots like my classmates from med school.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006:
I learned to value myself more and appreciate the people in my life. I learned to value my sister's privacy. Been wiser...made better decisions this year. :)
What was the nicest thing someone told you about yourself:
People appreciating my presence. My dad telling me I'm less sungit. That warms the soul. :)
The most touching experience you've had this year?
What did you like most about yourself this year?
Me having more friends and being happier.
What did you hate most about yourself this year?
Lack of self-control.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
I'm poor answering this stuff.
Was 2006 a good year for you?
It was a good and better year.
What was your favorite moment of the year?
What was your least favorite moment of the year?
When two of our labradors died.
Where were you when 2006 began?
Was at home. Jumping up and down, getting fireworks ready, and eating grapes.
Who were you with?
My family.
Where will you be when 2006 ends?
Probably here at home too.
Who will you be with when 2006 ends?
With always.
Do you have a new years resolution for 2007?
Basically, to be a better me. :)
What was your favorite month of 2006?
Hmm...I'm not sure. October/November?
Did you lose anybody close to you in 2006?
Did you miss anybody in the past year?
Some people. Buttercup and Taffy.
What was your favorite record from 2006?
Hmm...I dunno...
How many concerts did you see in 2006?
Nothing major.
Did you drink a lot of alchohol in 2006?
Do a lot of drugs in 2006?
You do anything you are ashamed of this year?
I'd rather not tell.
How much money did you spend in 2006?
Lots. I lost count.
What was your proudest moment of 2006?
Graduating cum laude. Being active in school.
What was your most embarrassing moment of 2006?
Again...I'd rather not tell.
If you could go back in time to any moment of 2006 and change something, what would it be?
Secret. Shux! Basta I wanted to change something. There.
What are your plans for 2007?
More activities. Be a better med student. As for the rest, let's see. :)
How are you different now that the year has ended?
More experiences under my belt for better decision making.
What are your wishes for the new year?
Good health to the people and pets I love dearly. More travels. :)
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Post Christmas Trip
Been out with Kim and Ice today. Finally. Been wanting to go on some outing. After so many plans like swimming/overnight at 8 Waves, spa treat at Nurture Spa (an idea my sis and I really like), going to Subic, and swimming at Patricia Javier’s resort (which we didn’t find in the Internet), we finally settled to go to SM MOA today for some ice skating and dolphin watching. That was some spur of the moment decision. Thought about that at around 2pm na. Made quick preparations, showered and voila! Ice and Kim came to fetch us. Ate Mel and Steph didn’t join us this time, but King (Ice’s cousin) went along. We were supposed to go outing tomorrow, Wednesday, but Ice’s car was on color coding, and she wasn’t allowed for an overnight.Anyway, we still weren’t able to do the ice skating and to watch the dolphin show because there were lots of people. I didn’t know that today was still a holiday and SM was holding a sale. Decided to do some shopping na lang. Did major shopping at Terranova. Finally found the very elusive perfect brown jacket. Even King bought one for himself. I like the shoes at Topshop sana...didn't get to buy it though.
At around 8PM, we went kart racing (some place near SM). That was really fun...except for some people who were so not "road" friendly. Si Cathe...kahit sa babaan eh nagre-race pa rin. Almost hit some people. Hehe! =p
Had a very nice hearty dinner at Ababu (near UP...ang layo diba?) and visited two Starbucks branches since Kim was looking for a gift. Went to Eastwood pa for a movie (around 10:30pm na then) kaya lang ang pangit ng movies don. Four movies to choose from and they were just not worth it. Decided to go home na lang. Came home late and surprised my parents (they thought we were going home late pa kasi of the movie). Had another great day. Lots of fun moments on the road pa.
I just love these spur of the moment happenings. Natutuloy eh. Even if all the plans didn't push through (and even if we still keep on making new plans), it was still fun. Looking forward for more...2007, here we come! =p
Monday, December 25, 2006
How was your Christmas?Mine was a little different from usual. Was more quiet this time. Last time, we spent midnight at a neighbor's house and exchanged gifts. Not this time though.
We are only four in the family. No relatives or friends over for noche buena so we didn't prepare much food. The neighbors gave lots of food anyway.
My family slept earlier than usual. I, on the other hand, spent the rest of the midnight in front of the PC. Even had a chat with some classmates who happened to be online as well.
Woke up really late that morning. Didn't get to hand out the snack packages we prepared for the kids who were caroling that morning.
It seems as if much of the Christmas spirit is lost when you grow up. Probably, we're simply going through hard times. I'm not exactly sure. Christmas is merely exchanging gifts now. If so done, then that's it. I'm missing the old Christmases. They seem much more fun.
As for my Christmas loot, I thank my family, neighbors, and friends. Danci, I'm still waiting for my Havs. ;p Fave gifts this year (aside from the money) would have to be from my sis (I love the watch) and the Laririts (I like receiving undies eh =p).
So there...hope you enjoyed your Christmas. :)
Saturday, December 23, 2006
merry xmas! :)
Much has happened lately. Attended a wedding last Tuesday night. It was a wedding to remember. Not that it was a good one. Arrived at the reception (agad) with lots of people already (wala pang bride and groom ha...just people like us who proceed to reception =p). The tables weren't enough to accommodate everyone...especially when those who went to the church came. For us to eat, we have to go to the newlywed's table to have our picture taken with them. Food was okay...although since we were seated at table #8, naubusan na kami ng dessert by the time na kami na ang kumukuha ng food. Si Papa, na sadyang makapal ang mukha, pumunta pa sa presidential table to get extra food. Haha! =p
Then the program began. People started going out. Aba! Sana tinapos man lang nila. Saglit lang naman. Most memorable part of the evening was when the ones who caught the bouquet and the garter kissed each other on the cheek, forehead, and lips. Kadiri! Request ng emcee. Eww talaga! Kung ako yon if ever, makakatikim ng sapak ang emcee na yon.
Family went home immediately after the program. Had some picture taking (which I should have posted in Multiply already if only Multiply hadn't acted up). Cathe and I had a mini pulutan of cake and Baileys. Haha! The non-alcohol drinkers that we were, we didn't survive a glass of Baileys and instead, put it inside the fridge. Didn't finish the sansrival too. It was too sweet eh...into the ref it also went.
Wednesday morning, cleaned our computer area. It was so dirty and dusty which explains why I had a really bad case of sore throat last Thursday and why I am coughing crazily now. I am allergic to dust, and still, I didn't use a face mask (which I usually do when I'm cleaning dusty stuff).
Wednesday afternoon, went to Bench Fix Katips to meet up with Hanni (who was having her hair cut) and Roselle. Met up with Danci and Joyie later on for dinner at Wai-ying. Yey! Finally. However, good as the food may be, I still don't know if I'll be able to go there again (alone). Ang gulo ng streets eh. Went to UST afterwards for the Paskuhan. Spent a long time waiting in line to be able to use the CR. Alas! Only two cubicles...butas pa yung door ng isa. Saw the cool fountain they were talking about. Heard Spongecola as well (one of my fave songs was played :p). Main band na yon ha. One thing I found weird then eh yung maagang pagtatapos ng event. Ganon pala don. Sa UP kasi, umaabot ng madaling araw. And Spongecola wasn't usually the main band. Left early tuloy (around 11pm) and went to Cubao to get a taxi going to Eastwood. Ang hirap kumuha ng taxi then. Lahat halos tumatanggi. Tapos, we had to get two taxis kasi 7 kami (including Tina and David). After a long time of waiting and walking (my feet got sore that day from too much walking talaga), Joyie, Danci, Hanni, and I (2nd batch) got our own taxi rin. Went to Something's Fishy for that Eat-All-You-Can breakfast buffet. Tin dropped by to join us. Did some talking and "star" gazing (;p). We didn't eat much and left early pa (we were supposed to stay there until morning eh). Gawd! Dumi ng CR don. Fishy talaga. =p Roselle, Hanni, and I went around Eastwood looking for some place to stay while we were waiting for our respective sundo. Starbucks closed early. Shux talaga. Then my fam fetched me at around 3:30am. That was a really long day for me.
As for the past few days, been doing a lot of gift wrapping (Cathe and Ma went shopping at Divi last Thursday again...I decided to stay at home coz I was feeling sick) and having DVD marathons.
So there. Enough of story telling. Have to fix this damn PC. 3GB free space left so it's kinda slow. Papa really has to get a burner na. Have to get rid of pictures already.
It will be Christmas eve tomorrow.
Merry Christmas everyone! :D
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
My 2nd Krispy Kreme story...for real. :)

Kadiri pic noh? Parang kinagatan ng daga. Tinikman kasi namin lahat. Ayoko ung iba. Sobrang tamis. Meron pa rin dito sa bahay. Bale two days na siya. Haha! Dahan-dahang binabawasan. =p
Basta natikman ko na, okay na ako. Sarap makipag-unahan sa opening ng Krispy Kreme sa SM Mega. Free doughnuts for one year na naman para sa first lucky customer. Tara! :)
Monday, December 18, 2006
thinking out loud.
Finally got the books from Cebu. I started reading Kokology awhile ago (3am), got enough of Psych, put it down, and settled for a Paulo Coelho book instead, which got me hooked until early this evening. Finished it already after a day of doing nothing else but reading and the usual daily stuff.The first Paulo Coelho book I read was "The Alchemist". Everybody was talking about it, while I usually had put on hold reading it until my sister borrowed a copy from a friend. We were in Cebu then (if I'm not mistaken) and with nothing much to do (finishing my own 2 books), grabbed the copy and read. I found it philosophical and I'm not the philosophical type. God knows why I even landed in a Psychology course. I wasn't the people person type. I didn't really care much of other people's lives. I didn't find satisfaction in talking about life's mysteries, but I liked contemplating on my own life. Maybe I was just being selfish. Going back...I honestly can't remember what I felt then after reading the book. Probably thought of life.
I read "Eleven Minutes" today. Prostitute story. It was a good book. It was provocatively different from "The Alchemist". Goes on and on to talk about life, making decisions (again), dreams, sex, love, so on and so forth. Made me think on the choices and risks I've taken in life. Or maybe, the risks I haven't taken at all. Haven't even contemplated on how my life's been going in a while. The last time I've troubled myself with thoughts of my own life was when I was contemplating of whether to continue med school or not. That was months ago. I've become much of the "present" person lately. Perhaps because thinking too much of the future spoils things especially if they're not to happen at all. Or perhaps I was just too busy to think of how my life has been going lately.
When I started blogging, I partially lost contact of my diary. Kept most of my deepest thoughts to myself and the rest, I told the world. Sometimes, some personal stuff make their way into my blog, but most of what I write are things that happened to me. Things I wouldn't mind telling to a stranger. However, the rest, the things I'd rather not share, stays with me. My memory tends to wane at times which is a good thing if there are things meant to be forgotten and lost. But sometimes, I'd rather write it down on my own diary. Just in case I want to look back and remember...coz there's some form of peace in remembering...seeing how much you've changed and how much you've accomplished. :)
Saturday, December 16, 2006
So far, I've fared good enough on my exams. Will be waiting for my Biochem results. Hopefully, I did just fine.
I always feel so stressed around Christmas. Too many gifts to buy. Not that I don't like buying gifts. It's just hard finding the perfect presents. Just being OC again.
Cla has actually been calling me "OC-OC" lots lately.
Had our class' Christmas party yesterday at Niña's house in Susanna Heights. But before that, went home after class to leave some things behind...only to find out Mama wasn't home. Good thing I had my extra clothes with me so I was able to change at a neighbor's house. Mama came back just when I was near the subdivision's gate. Had to come back to change my big bag into a smaller one.
Anyway, missed lunch, but came back to school just in time. Hopped in Stephen's van with some classmates on the way to Nina's house.
The party was really fun. Super great food. My tummy was very satisfied. Niña's parents were super nice and very accommodating. Niña's mom even gave us rosary bracelets after. Decided to stay 'til late at night to join the games. Was supposed to leave early sana with Roselle and Ivy, but I was enjoying myself eh. As for the games, I had Danci, Cla, Clar, and Hanni as groupmates. We won. Competitive kami eh...special mention to Cla. Got 600 bucks for winning (fine! every team got 600 bucks from Niña's cool was that?) :D That is after:
...we successfully took revenge on Danci's hair by putting it on rubberband frenzy
...eating the fastest on the food relay (with me eating 6 butong pakwan - seed coat and all, Hanni becoming dizzy...thanks to a hard boiled egg, and Danci drinking a whole bottle of softdrink with his special straw strategy)
...winning 3rd on the song chain (bigyan ka ba naman ng mahirap na word eh)
...2nd on the charades (with Danci's winning McDo/Jollibee and "Babalik Ka Rin" moves, Clar's "Okay Ka Kokey", and my Tic Tac Toy My Kulukutoys - eek!)
...and winning the Pinoy Henyo (kahit pa hindi ko ginawang country ang Australia...haha! =p)
Went home quite late. Joined Andre's carpool naman up to Cubao where my parents fetched me. Missed the Lantern Parade and the Oblation Run this time. Oh well...still had fun.
I'm really enjoying school lately. So unlike college where there wasn't quite a block section. Different classes, different classmates so I didn't have chance to know some classmates better. Also, I haven't felt so at ease with other people and myself in such a long time. I guess med school did me good. My classmates are just great. Papa has even commented on how less sungit I am now. :)
As I'm doing this, Cathe's busy prepping for the (anticipated) Simbang Gabi. I'm missing it again. Like usual.
I just feel this will be one of our most difficult Christmas. Dukhang-dukha ever. =p Our car's been acting up...Rex, after having aircon problems, now keeps on overheating, while Red has been having overheating problems also. Fave customers na sila ng casa ngayon.
Just visit my Multiply for the pictures. I have so much to tell, but I guess this will have to do. Isa pa yan, super daldal ko na lately. Kailangang magpigil. Hehe! :) O siya, siya...
Advanced Merry Christmas! :)
Friday, December 08, 2006
Just one of those crazy, hellish week. That meant 2 hours or less sleep each night (or morning...whatever!) with tons of schoolwork to do - exams, papers, & manuals. Had an exam for Physio and pracs for Ana. Crazy Ana people. They really try to make things difficult. Using the driest of cadavers and ruining the heart just to make it difficult for us to recognize the part pointed. I really can't tell if I did well. Parang dumaan lang yung exam eh. I was quite hopeful I can sleep and rest this weekend but no. Have truckloads of school stuff to read. Hopefully, my heart survives (Sorry...we're on respi/cardio module eh.). Exams next week.
I don't think I can finish Christmas shopping in time. Quite excited for next week though...and the week after. Class Christmas party on Wednesday. UP Day again on Friday. Spelunking next weekend. UST Day two Wednesdays from now. Will be spending the rest of the midnight at Eastwood after. Hope nothing goes wrong with plans. The OC in me can't stand too many changes in plans.
My Krispy Kreme Story:
I really wanted a bite of the famous Krispy Kreme doughnut.
I even wanted to be there on its first day at the Fort, but I missed that.
Danci called while he was there with his fam. As if naiinggit ako noh! (oo...naiinggit ako...)
Ever since Wednesday (before the Krispy Kreme branch in the Fort opened), pinipilit ko si Papa pumunta don. It's even near his Makati office.
Yesterday, I went home seeing a big box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Shouted "Wow!" in the most "malutong" manner ever. Brought the box to the kitchen. After realizing it was empty, I asked Ma where the doughnuts were.
There was not a single doughnut. Papa only brought home the box to joke around. Apparently, his boss brought boxes of doughnuts at the office and everyone there ate the doughnuts.
Silly me.
Papa scored.